
Title                                               Llums i ombres  (Lights and Shadows)

Date of production/edition       January 2024

Measurements                            105 x 80 cm

Techniques                                  Woodprint (3 plates)

Type of paper/support              Japanese paper Awagami Bamboo 170 g/m2

Edition                                          P. A.


Title                                               Arbre negre  (Black Tree)

Date of production/edition       June 2023

Measurements                            95 x 70 cm

Techniques                                  Woodprint (2 plates)

Type of paper/support              Japanese paper Awagami Bamboo 170 g/m2

Edition                                          P. A.  


Title                                               Somni d'una nit d'hivern  (Winternight Dream)

Date of production/edition       July 2022

Measurements                            105 x 80 cm

Techniques                                  Woodprint (3 plates)

Type of paper/support              Japanese paper

Edition                                          P. A.   


Title                                                  Somni d'una nit d'hivern - matriu 02  (Winternight Dream - plate 02)

Date of production                        June 2022

Measurements                               105 x 80 cm

Technique                                        Woodcut


Title                                              El pes del no-res  (The weight of nothingness)

Date of production/edition       November 2020

Measurements                            80 x 60 cm

Techniques                                  Woodprint (2 plates)

Type of paper/support              Japanese paper

Edition                                          P. A.  


Title                                                El pes del no-res - matriu 02  (The weight of nothingness - plate 02)

Date of production/edition         November 2020

Measurements                              80 x 60 cm

Techniques                                    Woodcut


Title                                                Arbre rosa  (Pink Tree)

Date of production/edition        June 2019

Measurements                             80 x 60 cm

Techniques                                   Woodprint (3 plates)

Type of paper/support               Japanese paper

Edition                                            P. A.  


Title                                               Paisatge en V  (V-Landscape)

Date of production/edition       July 2019

Measurements                            80 x 120 cm

Techniqu                                      Woodprint (3 plates)

Type of paper/support              Japanese paper

Edition                                          P. A.   


Title                                              Paisatge en A (A-Landscape)

Date of production                    July 2019

Measurements                           80 x 120 cm

Techniques                                  Woodprint (3 plates)

Type of paper/support              Japanese paper

Edition                                          P. A.